I'm Working On A Dream, Mixed Media, Suzanne Lewis © 2010

You can see more of my work on my website at http://www.suzannelewis.com All images © Suzanne Lewis 2011

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Illustration Friday "Surrender"

Since chocolate cupcakes are one of my all time favorites (next to red velvet ones with butter cream icing) and since I've been trying to go gluten, dairy, rice and corn free and what other excuses can I come up with-- THIS is what I'd surrender to. Didn't even paint it from the real thing because then it would have been way too tempting.


Mr. Spoqui said...
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Sylvia Liu said...

this is great, and yummy looking too!

Anonymous said...

The 'IF' favourite guilty pleasure to surrender to is chocolate, and I agree.

angels said...

oh! really realistic!... It seems you can catch and eat it. what a good looking!

Vicki Smith said...

It's delicious!

Anonymous said...

haha I like it :)

My contribution is similar to yours this week, although it may be a bad influence on you if you're trying to resist yummy cupcakes! :D

jazzlamb said...

WOW! I thought that was a photograph! Lovely header on the blog too :D


Illo Friday is such a cool thing. So universal. I'm thrilled to hear from so many different countries-- the UK, New Delhi, Portugal, to name a few. Thank all of you for your comments. I'm humbled.

Ginger*:) said...

Wonderful ... I will join you in trying to see only the image and not run for a chocolate covered, layered, filled, sprinkled upon with jimmies, cupcake.

heike said...

Your cupcake looks so delicious that really I would surrender to it, too. And not only to chocolate cupcakes, but to any kind of chocolate as you can see in my post this week. There seem to be a lot of people who surrender to sweets.

Sarah Melling said...

I love this... I didn't do an illustration for "surrender" this week, but yours is perfect! Lovely execution of a wonderful idea.

Anonymous said...

Oh yum and YUM! Literally mouthwatering (I want to abandon my work for the afternoon and bake). And your header is gorgeous as well.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic image and a great IF solution!

Shirley said...

Wow!! Suzanne..your mixed media piece is stunning...and I am jealous of your time at the Dune Shack! How awesome must that have been?!! Wonderful illustrations..and writing..my goodness, you are uber-talented!

tricky said...

I love your illustration. It looks so three-dimensional... you have that image so sharp and present in your mind :D
I know how you feel ... sigh

and this is a lovely new blog ... I too have started blogging seriously not too long ago ... feel free to stop by... http://trickytanya.blogspot.com/


Excellant Suzanne... 'Still life with frosting' ...looks very tasty also,
-Bobby C.

RC Reese said...

Now that's one tempting cupcake! Nice work!

Heather said...

Wow, this is so realistic. Is this paint? It makes me hungry for cupcakes and it's only 9 a.m.!!!

ps - love your dusty entry, too! xo

Jacqueline Hudon-Verrelli said...

It looks delicious. Nice job.

Jane Massey said...

Brilliant! I especially love the way you have captured the paper.